
Showing posts from August, 2023

마이크로닷, 6년 만에 화려한 컴백! 부모 빚투 논란 죄송

부모 빚투 논란으로 잠적했던 마이크로닷 6년만에 복귀 특종세상' 출연을 통해 전격 복귀, 변화된 모습 공개 가수 마이크로닷(29·신재호)이 6년 만에 음악 활동에 복귀하며 관심을 한 몸에 받고 있습니다. 부모의 빚투 논란으로 활동을 중단했던 그는 MBN의 '특종세상'을 통해 그 동안의 변화와 사과의 마음을 전달하며 팬들과의 소중한 재회를 이루어냈습니다. 예고편 속 마이크로닷은 "오랜만에 찾아뵙는 마이크로닷"이라며 "엄청 긴장된다"고 웃으며 본격적인 컴백을 예고했습니다. 그는 이전 논란에 대한 사과와 함께 "부모님으로 인해 피해자들이 생겼다. 그 부분에 대해 화가 났던 분들에게 사과를 드리고 싶다. 죄송하다는 말씀을 전하고 싶다"며 자신의 변화와 결단을 고백했습니다. 한편, 마이크로닷은 Mnet의 '쇼미더머니'를 통해 빛나는 무대를 선보이며 주목을 받았으며, 채널A의 '도시어부' 멤버로서도 활약하며 팬들의 사랑을 받았습니다. 그러나 2018년 부모의 빚투 논란으로 인해 활동을 중단하게 되었습니다. 마이크로닷의 부모는 약 20년 전 제천에서 친인척과 이웃들에게 4억 원을 빌려 도주한 사건으로 인해 재판을 받았습니다. 그러나 마이크로닷은 이번 '특종세상'을 통해 새로운 출발을 알림과 동시에 팬들에게 변화된 모습을 공개하였습니다. 지난달 발매한 신곡 '센세이션'과 '마스크 온'으로 활동을 재개한 그는 오랜 기간의 공백을 극복하며 새로운 에너지로 가득찬 무대를 선보이고 있습니다. 마이크로닷의 복귀는 팬들뿐만 아니라 음악 산업에도 큰 활력을 주고 있습니다. 그의 변화된 음악과 모습을 통해 이전의 논란을 뛰어넘은 아티스트로서의 성장과 결단을 확인할 수 있습니다. '특종세상'을 통한 출연은 그에게 더 큰 관심과 사랑을 안겨주며, 그의 노래와 이야기가 더 많은 이들에게 전해질 것으로 기대됩니다.

청년일자리 고용 정책의 위기, 청년내일채움공제 예산 삭감

청년내일채움공제 예산 4206억 삭감 정부의 예산 조정으로 인한 청년 고용 문제와 미래 전망 청년 일자리 창출을 위해 노력하는 정부가 청년내일채움공제 등 청년 고용 예산을 삭감하는 결정을 내렸다는 소식이 도마 위에 올랐습니다. 이러한 결정은 청년들과 기업들 사이에서 논란을 불러일으키고 있으며, 청년 일자리의 미래 전망에 대한 우려가 커지고 있습니다. 청년내일채움공제 예산 축소와 고용 정책의 모순 기획재정부에 따르면 내년도 청년내일채움공제 예산은 올해보다 4206억원이나 줄어들었습니다. 이로 인해 고용보험기금과 일반회계를 합친 청년내일채움공제 예산이 대폭 축소되었습니다. 실업률 하락 등 고용 수치 개선에 따른 예산 조정이라는 정부의 설명에도 불구하고, 청년들 사이에서는 청년 일자리의 감소와 과도한 예산 삭감의 상충에 대한 우려가 증폭되고 있습니다. 청년내일채움공제의 역할과 중요성 청년내일채움공제는 청년들의 목돈 마련을 지원하고, 중소·중견 기업들의 청년 인력 채용을 돕는 중요한 정책입니다. 2년간 청년·기업·정부가 각각 400만 원씩 공동으로 적립하면 만기에 청년이 1200만 원을 받을 수 있습니다. 그러나 신규 가입자 지원 대상을 올해에 비해 대폭 축소한 결정으로 인해 이 정책의 효과와 청년들의 기회가 제한될 가능성이 높아지고 있습니다. 미래 전망: 예산 삭감의 영향과 대안 고려 올해 8월 말을 기준으로 청년내일채움공제의 누적 가입자 수와 기업 가입자 수가 큰 폭으로 증가하고 있는 상황에서, 내년 예산 삭감의 영향이 청년 일자리의 안정성과 성장에 어떤 영향을 미칠지에 대한 우려가 높아지고 있습니다. 미래 일자리 창출을 위해선 기존 정책의 유지와 함께 새로운 방안을 고려하는 것이 필요합니다. 정부의 적극적 대응과 청년 지원의 확대 필요성 이러한 상황에서 정부는 청년 일자리 지원 정책에 대한 적극적인 대응이 필요합니다. 청년내일채움공제 예산을 적절하게 확대하고, 청년들의 일자리 안정성과 경제적 안정을 위한 대안을 모색해야 합니다. 또한, 청년들의 진로 지원과 교육...

Unveiling the Marvel of 'Dream Materials', MXene's Versatility Explored

MXene From Eco-Friendly Coatings to Electric Vehicle Batteries, MXene's Diverse Applications In the realm of scientific innovation, the spotlight is steadily shifting towards MXene, often referred to as the 'dream material.' This captivating nanomaterial is capturing the attention of the scientific community and beyond, for its exceptional electrical conductivity and its potential to be integrated into various industries like semiconductors, electronics, and sensors. Recent breakthroughs in mass production techniques and innovative applications are propelling MXene into the limelight. Expanding the Horizon: Eco-Friendly Coatings and Electric Vehicle Batteries A recent publication in the journal 'Engineering' highlights the remarkable strides made by Professor Ji Anhong's research team from Shanxi University in China. Their efforts focused on enhancing the durability and antimicrobial properties of leather coatings through ultrasonic treatment of MXene. By harnes...

Unveiling Uganda's Controversial Anti-LGBTQ Law, First Application Leads to Shocking Case

20-Year-Old Male Prosecuted under Aggravated Homosexuality Charge in the Aftermath of New Law In a move that has sent shockwaves through the international community, Uganda has recently invoked its contentious anti-LGBTQ law by prosecuting a 20-year-old male on charges of "aggravated homosexuality," a charge that carries the possibility of the death penalty. According to Reuters on the 28th, Ugandan prosecutors filed charges against a 20-year-old male on the 18th under the category of "aggravated homosexuality." Uganda's "Anti-Homosexuality Act of 2023," which significantly strengthens penalties against sexual minorities, came into effect in May, sparking fierce criticism from the global society. This law notably categorizes same-sex activities involving minors or individuals with disabilities as "aggravated," opening the door to the imposition of the maximum penalty, including death. The precise details leading to the charges against the 20-...

Revitalizing China's Real Estate Market, A Balancing Act Between Redevelopment and Regulation

Local Governments Play the 'Redevelopment' Card for Real Estate Market Boost In the ever-evolving landscape of China's real estate market, the prominent real estate development company, Biguiyuan (Country Garden), has set off a ripple effect of crisis, prompting local governments to employ the card of redeveloping neglected areas to invigorate the market. However, cities like Shanghai are treading cautiously due to concerns over the potential surge in property prices if regulations are loosened. Recently, Jiangxing City in China unveiled plans for redeveloping and resettling residents in underdeveloped areas on the 25th of the month. This plan includes the introduction of "fangbiao" (housing tokens), a quantified right certificate issued by local governments to households eligible for redevelopment. This certificate allows the recipients to acquire neighboring properties, thereby aiding in reducing the inventory of newly constructed homes. The concept of redevelop...

Inflation Crisis Grips the United States, Rising Prices and the Struggle for Everyday Americans

Soaring Costs Trigger Public Outcry and Social Unrest Amidst Inflation Woes Inflation's relentless surge has plunged the United States into a crisis that is sending shockwaves through the lives of its citizens. From the bustling streets of New York's Union Square to the startling scenes of unrest and chaos, the consequences of skyrocketing prices are unfolding before our eyes. Amidst this turmoil, the resilience of the American spirit faces its most testing times. This article delves into the various facets of the inflation crisis and its profound impact on daily life, offering insights into the broader societal repercussions and the underlying causes driving this economic storm. Rising Prices and Unrest The streets of New York's Union Square became a battleground as thousands flocked in response to promises of free gifts from renowned gaming influencer Kai Cenat. While the NYPD attributed the chaos to the negative influence of social media, a different perspective emerges ...

NASA's Quest for Commercial Hypersonic Flight, Crossing the Atlantic in 90 Minutes?

Exploring the Feasibility of Mach 4 Transatlantic Travel Imagine traversing the vast expanse of the Atlantic Ocean in a mere 90 minutes. The concept may seem like science fiction, but NASA, the United States' premier space agency, is actively delving into the realm of hypersonic flight, aiming to revolutionize commercial aviation. In a recent blog post, NASA discussed the possibility of achieving commercial flights at speeds reaching Mach 4, raising questions about the viability and impact of such a breakthrough. Unlocking the Hypersonic Potential According to CNN and other sources, NASA is embarking on an investigation to determine the feasibility of conducting commercial flights at a remarkable Mach 4 speed. This initiative stems from a reevaluation of existing flight routes, with indications that there might be a burgeoning market for supersonic air travel. The focus is primarily on approximately 50 routes, including transoceanic journeys over the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Th...

In Search of the Enigmatic Nessie, Unveiling the Secrets of Loch Ness

Global Expedition Sets Out to Solve the Centuries-Old Mystery In a daring quest reminiscent of ancient legends, a massive international expedition has embarked on a mission to uncover the truth behind the fabled Loch Ness Monster, affectionately known as Nessie. The enigmatic creature, rumored to inhabit Scotland's Loch Ness, has intrigued and captivated the imagination for centuries. As the expedition unfolds, experts and enthusiasts alike are poised to unravel the mysteries shrouding this elusive aquatic entity. Heralding from various corners of the globe, hundreds of dedicated researchers have armed themselves with cutting-edge technology to scour the depths of Loch Ness in pursuit of tangible evidence. This ambitious endeavor, marking the largest-scale search in over half a century, has been spearheaded by the "Nessie Phenomenon Investigation Bureau," a consortium of experts from diverse fields, following in the footsteps of a similarly grand operation carried out in ...

Prigozhin's Demise, Unraveling Power Dynamics in Russia's Political Landscape

The Enigmatic Fall of Yevgeny Prigozhin and the Implications for Putin's Authority In a startling turn of events, the reported demise of Yevgeny Prigozhin, the leader of the infamous Wagner group, has sent ripples across Russia's political sphere. The apparent plane crash, which claimed the lives of Prigozhin and other notable figures, was a development many anticipated given Prigozhin's recent mutinous activities. This incident not only underscores the complexity of power dynamics in Russia but also highlights President Vladimir Putin's relentless authority. The Mutiny and its Consequences Prigozhin's leadership of the Wagner group took a dramatic turn when he led a mutiny against Russian military leaders, an act of defiance that directly challenged President Putin's grip on power. This unprecedented move was met with strong condemnation from Putin himself, branding Prigozhin a traitor. Such a bold challenge questioned Putin's authority and left many wonder...

BLACKPINK Drops Catchy OST 'The Girls' for Video Game 'The Game'

 K-pop Sensation BLACKPINK Unleashes Excitement with New Song and OST Release 'The Girls' OST by BLACKPINK Amplifies Joy Among Fans and Gamers Alike BLACKPINK, the global K-pop phenomenon, has ignited a wave of excitement across fan communities with the release of their brand-new song and OST titled 'The Girls' for their hit video game 'The Game.' The quartet's dedicated followers, known as BLINKs, are abuzz with anticipation and celebration, as the catchy track unveils a new layer of musical enchantment associated with their beloved idols. A Melodic Gift: BLACKPINK Presents 'The Girls' OST The fervent fandom surrounding BLACKPINK is once again being treated to a musical spectacle. The group has unleashed 'The Girls,' an original soundtrack that not only complements their video game 'The Game' but also sets pulses racing across the K-pop landscape. Since its much-awaited release, 'The Girls' has dominated social media trends a...

Russia Explores Arctic Route for Oil Shipping Amidst Sanctions and Challenges

Arctic Route Gains Attention as Russia Seeks Alternatives for Oil Transportation In a significant strategic move, Russia has docked oil tankers near the Cosmino Terminal in Nahodka, Russia, exploring the Arctic route for oil shipping. With sanctions imposed by the United States and Europe on Russian oil and petroleum products post the Ukraine conflict, Middle Eastern oil-producing nations have capitalized on this opportunity, purchasing Russian oil at discounted rates. Russia has also been noted to send oil to China through the Northern Sea Route (NSR), bypassing traditional trade routes. Notably, this marks the first time Russia has transported Urals crude oil via the Arctic route. Traditionally, Russia has relied on the Suez Canal route, passing through regions like the Mediterranean, to supply its oil to emerging markets like China and India as alternatives to Europe after the Ukraine crisis. Although Russia aims to reduce transport times and costs by utilizing the shorter Arctic ro...

Innovative Technology Transforms Plastic Waste into Soap and Detergent

Breakthrough Method Utilizes Heat to Create Soap from Plastic Delivery Containers A groundbreaking technique capable of recycling problematic plastic waste, including delivery containers, plastic wrap, and bottle caps, has emerged as a potential solution to the plastic pollution crisis. Researchers at Virginia Tech have unveiled a revolutionary approach that converts plastics, such as polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP), into soap and detergent through the application of heat. Unlike traditional recycling methods, this innovation garners attention for its remarkable simplicity and economic viability. With more than half of South Korea's plastic composed of PE and PP, which are commonly used in daily life for items like waterproof packaging and transparent bags, the importance of such a recycling breakthrough cannot be overstated. Amid the surge in single-use plastic waste due to the COVID-19 pandemic and growing concerns about environmental pollution, the demand for recycled p...

Minimum Number of Residents Required for Establishing Habitat on Mars Revealed

Study Identifies Optimal Personality Traits for Martian Colonists In the quest to establish a human presence on Mars, researchers have determined the minimum number of individuals needed for a viable colony: at least 22 people. Moreover, the study highlights that individuals with a "docile personality" exhibit a higher likelihood of survival in the challenging Martian environment. To emulate the isolation and high-stress conditions akin to a Mars colony, scientists designed a simulation model resembling scenarios like those experienced at the International Space Station or during Arctic expeditions. The simulation encompassed varying levels of technical expertise, resilience, stress, and four psychological traits—neuroticism, hypersensitivity, sociability, and cheerfulness—interacting among participants. Conducted over a span of 28 days on Earth, the simulation comprised groups ranging from 10 to 170 members. The findings pinpointed 22 as the critical number for sustaining a ...

Tragedy Strikes, Two Men Lose Their Lives in Swimming Segment of Ireland's Ironman Event

Fatal Incidents Mar the 1.9 km Swimming Leg of Half Ironman Competition in Youghal In a heart-wrenching turn of events, two participants lost their lives during the swimming portion of an Ironman event held in Youghal, southwest Ireland. The Cork County Council expressed deep sorrow over the tragic loss of the two race participants during the fiercely contested event.  The unfortunate incident occurred during the 1.9 kilometer (1.2 mile) swimming leg of the so-called half Ironman event, which also comprises a challenging 90 kilometer (56 mile) bike course and a demanding 21.1 kilometer (13.1 mile) run.  The victims, aged in their mid-60s and mid-40s, met separate fates during the swimming segment of the competition. The event, originally scheduled for Saturday, had been postponed by a day due to severe weather conditions. Safety personnel were swift to provide immediate medical assistance upon recognizing that the athletes were in distress. Ironman Ireland, the organizing body...

Rising Lyme Disease Cases in the Northeast: Exploring Causes and Management Strategies

Analyzing the Surge in Tick-Borne Infections and the Factors Behind it Habitat Changes, Longer Tick Seasons, and Human Exposure Key Contributors Lyme Disease Surge in the Northeast: Unveiling the Reasons Behind It As warmer weather envelopes us, concerns surrounding ticks, Lyme disease, and the growing number of cases in the Northeast have taken center stage. The region has witnessed a significant increase in reported cases of Lyme disease, causing alarm among health experts. This article delves into the underlying reasons driving this rise, touching upon the movement of tick populations and the impacts of climate change. Understanding the Growth in Lyme Disease Cases The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) paints a concerning picture, revealing over 30,000 cases of Lyme disease reported annually in the United States. Since the inception of national Lyme surveillance in the early 1990s, the yearly tally of cases has shown an upward trajectory. This trend is notably accompa...

Canadian Wildfire Heroes: Battling Blazes and Safeguarding Lives

Epic Efforts to Confront Wildfires and Secure Communities Amidst Mass Evacuations Canada's Brave Firefighters Combat Massive Wildfires Amidst Unprecedented Evacuations In a remarkable display of courage and dedication, Canadian firefighters are engaging in an intense battle against devastating wildfires that have wreaked havoc on multiple communities. The province of British Columbia has been particularly affected, with flames surging through West Kelowna suburbs and leading to the evacuation of the University of British Columbia campus in Kelowna. The capital of Canada's Northwest Territories has not been spared either, as a fierce wildfire prompted the exodus of nearly all residents from the city, resulting in a virtual ghost town. This alarming scenario is just one among hundreds of wildfires raging across western Canada. The situation has propelled British Columbia into a province-wide state of emergency, prompting an epic firefighting effort. West Kelowna Fire Chief Jason ...

Impact of Fukushima Controversy: China Slashes Japanese Seafood Imports by 30%

China's Strong Response to Fukushima Controversy Leads to Significant Reduction in Japanese Seafood Imports In light of the ongoing controversy surrounding Japan's Fukushima water release, China has taken decisive action by substantially curtailing its imports of Japanese seafood. Recent reports from the Japanese Kyodo News Agency reveal that Chinese imports of Japanese seafood dropped by around 30% last month. According to statistics released by China's Customs Administration, the total value of Japanese seafood imports in July plummeted by 28.5% compared to the previous month, amounting to approximately 234.51 million yuan (roughly 43.1 billion won), and marked a 33.7% decrease from the same period last year. The Kyodo News Agency attributes this decline to China's staunch opposition to the oceanic discharge plans of radioactive water from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. They emphasize that this sentiment has triggered comprehensive radiation screening for ...

Shocking Case of Nurse Who Murdered 7 Infants in the UK Neonatal Ward

Child Serial Killer Unveiling the Chilling Story of the Worst Child Serial Killer in Modern British History In a horrifying revelation that has left the UK stunned, a nurse working in a British hospital's neonatal ward murdered 7 newborns and attempted to murder 6 more infants, some even within a day of their birth. Dubbed the "worst child serial killer in modern British history," nurse Letby (33 years old) carried out her shocking crimes from June 2015 to June 2016 at the Countess of Chester Hospital's neonatal ward. Among her victims were 5 baby boys and 2 baby girls. The extent of her brutality even extended to premature infants and twins. Heartbreakingly, one baby was murdered within 24 hours of being born. In a chilling account, Letby made four attempts to murder a baby girl. After being caught in the act by a mother, she brazenly responded, "Believe me, I'm a nurse." Her methods of murder included deliberately injecting air into the babies' bod...

The Life and Legacy of J. Robert Oppenheimer: A Promethean Figure in the Nuclear Age

Examining the Fascinating Journey of the Father of the Atomic Bomb From Brilliance to Controversy, the Story of Julius Robert Oppenheimer In the realm of cinematic storytelling, director Christopher Nolan has chosen to shed light on the life of a real historical figure this time. "Oppenheimer," the upcoming movie, paints the story of physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer, who led the Manhattan Project, a top-secret American initiative to develop nuclear weapons. Just as the title of the documentary on which the film is based, "American Prometheus," suggests, Oppenheimer is an enigmatic historical figure who both bestowed and cursed humanity with the blessing of atomic energy. In this blog post, we delve into the captivating personality of Oppenheimer and his significant impact on history, exploring why even Christopher Nolan was captivated by this intriguing individual. Oppenheimer (1904-1967), a theoretical physicist, stood at a crossroads in human history, altering the ...

Zumwalt-Class Destroyer: Navigating the Challenges of Stealth and Weaponry

Unveiling the Controversy and Future Prospects of the U.S. Navy's Stealthy Marvel The Vision of the Zumwalt-Class Destroyer The Zumwalt-class destroyer, hailed as the future of the U.S. Navy, emerged with grand promises of cutting-edge stealth and weaponry technology. Initially conceived to replace the aging Arleigh Burke-class destroyer, this revolutionary vessel embarked on a journey fraught with challenges, financial hurdles, and performance evaluations that would reshape its destiny. Stealth Marvel: The Enigma of the Zumwalt's Design Designed to rewrite naval history, the Zumwalt-class destroyer stands out as a testament to modern engineering and innovation. In a remarkable feat, despite being 40 percent larger than the Arleigh Burke, the Zumwalt managed to achieve a radar cross section (RCS) equivalent to that of a modest fishing boat. This remarkable feat was made possible through its unique tumblehome hull design, a throwback to historical naval architectures that has be...

Study Reveals Walking 4,000 Steps Daily Lowers Risk of All-Cause Mortality

Comprehensive Analysis Highlights Gradual Health Benefits with Increasing Steps Analysis Discovers Link Between Walking and Reduced Mortality Risk In a groundbreaking study, researchers have found that walking a mere 4,000 steps each day can significantly decrease the risk of mortality from any cause. This extensive analysis, the largest of its kind to date, sheds light on the association between steps and health benefits. While the study reinforces the health advantages of walking, it also suggests that greater steps offer even more significant rewards. The established connection between sedentary lifestyles and health issues prompted this investigation. Prior to this study, the optimal number of daily steps and the potential for diminishing returns in health benefits remained uncertain. Led by Professor Maciej Banach, a cardiology expert from the Medical University of Lodz in Poland, the research drew from 17 previous studies involving 226,889 participants. Over an average of seven y...

Madonna Announces Rescheduled Dates for 'North American Leg of Celebration Tour'

Iconic Pop Star to Begin Tour in London on Oct. 14, with First U.S. Show on Dec. 13 at Barclays Center Madonna Reveals Rescheduled Dates for North American Leg of Celebration Tour Madonna, the legendary pop sensation, has unveiled the new dates for her eagerly awaited Celebration Tour, following its initial postponement due to her recovery from a bacterial infection. The tour, which was initially set to kick off in North America and then proceed to Europe, has now been rearranged to prioritize her overseas performances. The much-anticipated tour is now scheduled to commence in London on October 14, while its debut in the United States will take place on December 13 at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn. Ticket Information and Cancellations Tickets for the originally scheduled shows will remain valid for the rescheduled dates, with the exception of five shows—San Francisco, Las Vegas, Tulsa, Oklahoma, Phoenix, and Nashville—which unfortunately had to be canceled. Refunds for these canceled...

10-Year-Old Girl Found Dead in Woking House Identified as Sara Sharif

Investigation Underway as Authorities Seek Three Individuals Associated with the Victim Tragedy Strikes: 10-Year-Old Girl Sara Sharif Found Dead in Woking Home Local Community Mourns as Investigation Unveils Details Surrounding the Heartbreaking Incident Woking, Surrey: A somber atmosphere has enveloped the community of Woking as the tragic passing of a 10-year-old girl named locally as Sara Sharif sends shockwaves through the town. The girl was discovered lifeless at her residence, prompting a murder inquiry that has left the town in disbelief. Authorities are diligently piecing together the circumstances that led to the heartbreaking incident. The young girl's lifeless body was found at the property during the early hours of August 10. While formal identification is pending, local sources have identified her as Sara Sharif. Detectives have revealed that the victim was alone at the time of the discovery, with no other individuals present on the premises. Investigators are set to c...

Tottenham Captain Son Heung-min's Debut: Goalless Performance and Penalty Concession

Son Heung-min's inaugural match as Tottenham's captain saw him go without a goal and concede a penalty in a 2-2 draw against Brentford in the Premier League opener. Son Heung-min's Captaincy Debut: A Goalless Draw In a highly anticipated debut as Tottenham Hotspur's captain, Son Heung-min's performance was marked by both promise and challenge. The star forward took to the field at the Gtech Community Stadium in Brentford, England, in the Premier League opener against Brentford, but failed to find the net and was involved in a key penalty decision. Challenging Moments for the New Captain As the match unfolded, Son was a central figure in the action. Positioned on the left wing, he led Tottenham's attack alongside James Maddison and Dejan Kulusevski, supporting forward Richarlison. However, a pivotal moment arose in the 23rd minute when Son was called for a foul on Mathias Jensen inside the box. The subsequent penalty decision allowed Brentford's Bryan Mbeumo ...

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